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Explosion of passion
Bosnian-born Serb brings life, color to the Prague scene
Pedja Djaković was born in 1964 in Derventa in Yugoslavia. After the completion of his secondary school studies in Belgrade he came to Prague where he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Art, specialization painting. His professors were the academic painters Pospíšil and Sopko. Djaković lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic.

Of all his icons,the one Djakovic looks up to most
is a 150-centimeter (4-foot 11-inch) dwarf,
Henri-Marie-Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901),
who Pedja says was
"the first and only artist ever hung in the Louvre in his lifetime."
To which Pedja Djakovic, a big man who Thinks Big, adds:
"I want to be the second."
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