Explosion of passion
Bosnian-born Serb brings life, color to the Prague scene
Pedja Djaković was born in 1964 in Derventa in Yugoslavia. After the completion of his secondary school studies in Belgrade he came to Prague where he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Art, specialization painting. His professors were the academic painters Pospíšil and Sopko. Djaković lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic.


1990 Prague, Jazz Club Reduta, CR
1990 Sremski Karlovci, Bishop’s Palace,Yugoslavia
1991 Boston, Shawn’s Gallery, USA
1991 Los Angeles, BKH Fine Arts Gallery, USA
1991 Henry Seggerman’s House, Connecticut,USA
1991 Sremski Karlovci, Cultural Center Gallery,Yugoslavia
1991 Prague, Press Jazz Club, CR
1992 Munich, Galerie Interart, Germany
1994 Praha, ABN - Amro Bank, CR
1995 Prague, American Chamber of Commerce,CR
1996 Legendary cafe Slavia, CR
1997 Palace on Loretánské náměstí 3, CR
1998 London, Susanna Allen Fine Art Gallery, GB
1998 London, Daniel Katz Gallery, GB
1999 Munich, Reygers Gallery, Germany
1999 Prague, Credit Lyonnais Bank, CR
2000 Amsterdam, Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, NL
2002 Praha, Praha City Center, CR
2003 Praha, Česká spořitelna, CR
2004 Praha, Národní zemědělské muzeum, CR
2006 Prague,Gallery La Femme, CR
2008 Prague,Gallery La Femme,CR
2009 Belgrade,Gallery Progres,Serbia
2010 Prague,Gallery ČEZ,CR
2011 Belgrade,National theathre gallery,Serbia
2011 Prague,Dea Arh gallery,CR
2014 Novi Sad,Veternik,Serbia
2014 Prague,Pavilon gallery,CR
2015 Kotor,Old town gallery,Montenegro
2015 London,Royal Ahrend,GB